ISM Lagos Employee (Faculty, Full time, Part-time, Consultants, Contracts) Confidentiality Agreement
As a full or part-time employee, student employee, work study student, temporary employee, volunteer, or intern at the International School of Management (ISM) Lagos (otherwise referred to here as the ISM Lagos or the Business School, or the School), I agree that I will not disclose any information I obtain about the business school, her students and their works which are covered by the School’s copyright registration but to which I may have access during the course of performing my duties (collectively “Confidential Information”).
Confidential information includes information that may be protected from disclosure by federal or state law such as personal information and education records protected under the Confidential Information also includes information concerning the students, partners, alumni, clients, or donors.
The provisions contained in this agreement are considered conditions of my participation in assignments or programs and employment (temporary or permanent) offered by the business school.
NOTE: These provisions need to be initialled where indicated, signifying your understanding and agreement to abide by each.