Strategic Planning and Implementation

Professional Development Programmes
In-Person, Live Online
In Person
Live Online
3 days
Start Date

Businesses can be likened to a mix of risks and opportunities emerging in no particular or constant order and occurring in a rapidly changing environment, which all together poses enormous threat to the stability and predictability of decision making for businesses. As a result, business leaders are faced with the challenge of making difficult decisions on a wide range of issues vital to achieving the goals and objectives of their organizations.

Decisions such as who should be targeted as customers, what products or services should be offered to the chosen customers, what activities are necessary to achieve desired goals are often difficult to make without setting robust plans based on sound and logical assumptions. In reaching these decisions, business leaders are involved in strategic thinking, strategic planning, and strategic management. This course provides organisation leaders with the basic tools of strategic planning and management.

 In reaching these decisions, business leaders are involved in strategic thinking, strategic planning, and strategic management.

This course introduces the student to the importance, as well as the actual mechanics, of developing a business plan for both new and existing business organizations, whether it is a social enterprise or an organization that depends on profit maximization. The course will emphasize developing a business plans which can integrate the organization’s mission into its corporate strategy.

In this strategic planning course, students would gain an understanding of the relationships between strategy, planning and execution, and learn how to develop a strategic mindset, improve their analytical skills, and apply creative planning to current challenges. There’s much confusion and controversy surrounding business strategy. Where is the magic pathway to success for organisation? How do we optimize our strategy to use least resources to achieve our objectives? What are the variables and how do we juggle them when so much always seems to be changing? Using case studies and drawing on the ideas and models of leaders in the field, this strategic planning course will debunk the myths and illustrate how good strategies are formed (and why bad ones remain embedded)

Learning Outcomes

This course is designed to enable students develop skills and competencies that should result in the following learning outcomes:

  • Need and Opportunity Analyses
  • Articulating Vision and crafting Mission
  • Build competitive edge for business
  • Think both long term and short term
  • Have a clear structure for the strategic thinking process
  • Make better business decisions by using a range of analysis tools
  • Review objectives and plans in the context of a changing business environment
  • Turn strategies into practical proposals for change
  • Produce and present a change plan
  • Successfully plan for new ventures and strategies
  • Identify and resolve business problems
  • Recognize and exploit commercial opportunities
  • Avoid wasting time on unrealistic objectives
  • Engage other people in change management