Critical Action Research Series (CARS) for Professionals

CARS for Professionals is the innovative continuous learning and development programme of the ISM Lagos offered through her Centre for Academic Research, Integrity and Anti-plagiarism (CARIA), which is an incorporated trustees in Nigeria.

The objective of CARS for Professionals is the provision of a platform for professionals to offer best of ideas and advocacy on subjects and issues that relate to their professions, career, family, economic situations and social lives in general.

On a monthly basis, the faculty at the ISM Lagos and ISM London, organise open house workshops in the form of variable discourse, initial desk analysis and professional debate sessions to critique important ideas, leading thoughts, career topics, socio-economic news, professional practices, corporate issues and public policies that could help both private and public leaders to consider diverse perspectives in achieving robust and inclusive decisions.

As much as possible, a summary of discussions and outcomes of important debates are published or made available to the public.

To offer a topic for consideration, facilitate a workshop or be a part of this discussion, please contact us by email to